GF Machining Solutions reveals two new femtosecond laser solutions


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Jun 05, 2023

GF Machining Solutions reveals two new femtosecond laser solutions

Related Vendors On 21 February 2023, at an Open House event held in its Laser

Related Vendors

On 21 February 2023, at an Open House event held in its Laser Center of Technologies in Geneva (Switzerland) with more than 70 international VIP guests, GF Machining Solutions presented its new Laser S 1000 U fs and Laser S 1200 U fs machines in an exclusive preview. The two solutions are equipped with new ultrashort pulse Laser sources and are available for sale now.

Ultrashort pulse laser sources are well known for their excellent machining quality, achieving finest details and better surface roughness compared to nanosecond laser sources. The first machine equipped with an ultrashort pulse Laser was the Agie Charmilles Laser P 400 U, which introduced this powerful tool for texturing and engraving into the market.

Thanks to latest developments, GF Machining Solutions' Agie Charmilles Laser S 1000 U fs and Laser S 1200 U fs are now also equipped with a fiber femtosecond Laser. This ensures a Laser machining process capable of creating finest details with enhanced quality while maintaining a high performance. It will also allow the processing of a wider range of materials that only femtosecond laser sources are able to machine efficiently, like ceramics, glass, sapphire, etc.

The launch of these two new machines is expected to increase the adoption of laser as a technical manufacturing solution in industries such as Automotive (for lighting, interior and exterior design), Packaging, and ICT. Nanolaser capabilities often could not satisfy requirements like the machining of complex, small geometries, a no-heat affected zone and the necessary surface roughness needed for applications in these industries.

Users will maintain high flexibility thanks to the possibility to combine a nanosecond and a femtosecond Laser source in the same machine, switching seamlessly between the two sources in the same job. Depending on the application and the desired results, it is possible to use the strengths of each Laser source for the best combination of quality and productivity. The new femtosecond options work in union with the latest software developments launched by GF Machining Solutions in 2022: Flexiblast and 3D-Curves.
